Sunday 26 January 2014

Object-Oriented Programming, OOP(s)

I'm no stranger to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), having programmed in Python 2.7 and Java for three years. OOP focuses on creating programs that model real world scenarios through the use of objects, classes and methods. Now, considering my past experience in computer programming I entered CSC148 believing it would be no trouble at all and I would manage it easily, a belief that was proven wrong come the first tutorial. The first thing that really threw me off was the fact that I was used to coding in Java, and had learned to program using Python 2.7, while the university uses Python 3, which has some significant differences from 2.7. I was also rusty from being away from computer science for awhile so I was pretty terrible at first, basically a complete rookie. However after the first tutorial, I went home and dug up all my old python programs so I could A) see what had changed and B) relearn Python coding style. I feel my measures were successful as I was much more prepared for the second tutorial and finished it in an hour.

And now the next challenge that is coming up is Recursion, something I know all too well from my "Java days" and thoroughly dislike. I know it has its uses but in my opinion it just makes methods more complex then they need to be. I look forward to the lessons though, I've done recursion in Java but not in Python.

Thursday 23 January 2014

Is this thing on?

Quick post to get this thing up and running. To my peers in Comp Sci... Hello World!